TOT LevelVocabularyCLPSCEF
level 6above 5000Level 5C2
level 52500C1
level 41200Level 4B2
level 3600Level 3B1
level 2300Level 2A2
level 1150Level 1A1
CourseTOT LevelLevel DescriptionStudent Level
Starter Level 1 You will learn Chinese systematic phonetics, tones, and use Chinese Phrases, simple Chinese grammers and sentence structures. Also you will be able to pass HSK level 1, and further your basic Chinese learning in the coming days; TOT level 1 is for the students who have no Chinese learning experience, and want to study basic Chinese.
Intermediate Level 2 Spoken Chinese in communication and conversation in your daily life. Able to take and pass HSK level 2. Having an excellent grasp of basic vocabulary and grammatical correct Chinese Sentences. TOT level 2 is for the students who only learned basic Chinese phonetics, tones, or simple Chinese grammers and sentence structures.
Level 3 You can manage most communication that you may encounter in daily and academic life. Test takers are able to pass HSK level 3 would have no problems with basic conversation and have a good understanding of Chinese culture. TOT level 3 is for the students who can only use simple Chinese expresses to do communication and conversation.
Advaned Level 4 Improving in Chinese fluency and more interative conversation with native Chinese speakers. Test Takers can pass HSK level 4 wth more opportunities to find a good job or receive a promotion. TOT level 4 is for the students who can understand and do most communication more fluently in daily and academic life.
Level 5 Making extraordinary progress in your listening, reading, speaking and writing. Able to read Chinese magazines and understand Chinese TV and plays. Tou can even give a basic Chinese speech after passing HSK level 5. TOT level 5 is for the students who can interact with native Chinese speakers fluency.
Level 6 Crossing the languages and cultural barries, able to comprehend written and spoken information in Chinese and effectively converse on a wide range of topics in an oral and written aspect. TOT level 6 is for the students who can read Chinese magazines and understand Chinese TV and plays.